Ann’s Round

As the title suggests, Ann’s Round is meant to be both playful and freely played with: the music circles back to the beginning and can be repeated, as desired, with additional instruments improvising alongside the tuneful main theme.

Ann's Round was written for my amazing friend, the superb horn player Ann Ellsworth. It premiered (virtually) on Friday, March 5th, 2021 at 8:30 pm in a videotaped performance, with Patty Darling as pianist; the event formed part of the fifth annual international “Music by Women Festival”, a month-long series of concerts curated by Julia Mortyakova and hosted by the Mississippi University for Women.

Cutting Loose

Commissioned by legendary trumpeter Chris Gekker, Cutting Loose showcases his well-known skill as a virtuoso trumpeter, but also gives life to his deep lyricism and ability to sustain long, beautiful melodic lines.

The work premiered on 6/12/2001 at Merkin Hall in New York City, performed by soloist Chris Gekker with the Manhattan Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Richard Auldon Clark.


My friend and collaborator Ariel Grossman, founder and director of Ariel Rivka Dance, asked me in August 2020 if I might be interested in writing a bluegrass piece for her to choreograph. As a composer who normally works in “classical” genres, I was intrigued by her request and sketched out an idea that seemed to fit the mold – sort of? When Ariel decided, almost immediately, to move in a different direction, I set the draft aside.

I revisited the tune – improvised on my MIDI keyboard and computer – as an October 30th birthday gift to my North Carolina-bred friend Jason Watson. The title acknowledges my absolute lack of expertise in this area....